Conference Fees

MSc students who are JEA members are exempt from registration fees.


Fees include:- Attending all conference sessions

- Coffee Breaks and Lunch

- Participation Certificate

Payment Methods:

1- Direct Payment:

- Visit Jordan Engineers Association (JEA) or any of its branches

- Pay fees at number: 4211

- Send the receipt to email: and write your name in english, email and mobile number

2- Online Payment (Unified Payment) for JEA Members:

- Visit Jordan Engineers Association (JEA) website.

- Choose electronic services gate

- Enter username or Register for a new account.

- Choose conference you want to participate in

- "Financial Query and Unified Payement" will appear for you

- Confirm the conference you have choosen then click payment

- Copy the number that appears to you and complete the payment via or your bank application, note that you should choose:

  Jordan Engineers Association, then, Unified payment and paste the number you copied before

3- Wire Transfer Payment:

Beneficiary: Jordan Engineers Association/Shmeisani / AMMAN

Bank: Jordan Islamic Bank/Shmeisani  / AMMAN

Account number: 25300

IBAN number: JO 29 JIBA 0020 0000 25300 512 4000 04