Submit Paper for Review

Papers submitted for review in IJCC24 should be formatted in A4 size paper using IEEE conference proceedings templates. You may use the Word or the LaTex version of the template.

To submit a paper for review to IJCC24, follow the following steps:

Step 1. Format your paper according to guidelines given in the following table.  


 All papers must be in English

Paper length

 You are allowed a total of 6 pages including all figures, tables, and   references. Although not encouraged, authors can have papers     longer  than 6 pages, but not exceeding 8 pages. Each of the extra   two pages will incur a fee. Any paper that exceeds the 8-page limit will   be rejected without review.

Page size

 Papers should be formatted for standard A4 size (210 x 297 mm)         paper. 


 All printed material including text, illustrations, and charts, must be   kept within the print area. The top, bottom, left, and right margins and   the space between the two columns must be as set in the templates   and not changed.

Font type and size

 Times-Roman font must be used Use font sizes as used in the   template.

Paper Title

 The title should be centered and in 24-points size. Do not use LaTeX   math notation (e.g., $x_y$) in the title; the title must adhere to the   Unicode character set. Also try to avoid uncommon acronyms in the   title.

Author List

 Since the review process is double-blinded, please don’t write the   authors’ names nor their affiliation. Keep the text provided in the   template without changes; however, you may remove extra authors.


 Each paper should contain an abstract of 75 to 150 words. The   abstract in the submitted paper should be the same as the one   entered on the EDAS system during submission.


 Enter 4 to 6 keywords separated by semicolons. Keywords may be   selected from the IEEE keyword list found at:


 Major headings appear centered in the column. Subheadings appear   in italic capital and small letters. They start at the left margin of the   column. All text must be fully justified with single-line spacing. All   paragraphs within a section should be indented.

Illustrations and color

 Illustrations must appear within the designated margins, but they may   span the two columns. If possible, position illustrations at the top or   bottom of columns, rather than in the middle. Caption and number   every illustration. Figures and tables should be numbered   consecutively and separately from each other. The illustration number   should be an Arabic number for figures and a Roman number for   tables followed by a period, e.g. Figure 1. or TABLE I. The caption   itself should not be in bold and should be centered below the figure or   above the table.

 All halftone illustrations must be clear in black and white. Color   illustrations will appear in the electronic version of the proceedings,   but the printed version will be produced in black and white. Therefore,   make sure that your illustrations are acceptable when printed in black   and white.


 Number equations consecutively with Arabic numbers in parentheses   placed at the right hand margin of each column.


 List all references at the end of the paper. The references should be   numbered in order of appearance in the document. Refer to IEEE   conference proceedings template for more details.


 Use footnotes sparingly (or not at all) and place them at the bottom of   the column on the page on which they are referenced. Use 8-point   type, single-spaced. To help your readers, avoid using footnotes   altogether and include necessary peripheral observations in the text   (within parentheses, if you prefer, as in this sentence).

Page numbers

 Please do not insert page numbers in your submitted paper. We will   add appropriate page numbers to accepted papers when the   conference proceedings are assembled.

File format

 Papers must be submitted in Adobe’s Portable Document Format   (PDF). he conference is required to ensure that documents follow this   specification. Simplified requirements for creating PDF files for IEEE   Xplore are enumerated in:

IEEE Requirements for PDF Documents v3.2 [PDF]

 The submitted file:

must not be in compressed format,

- must not have Adobe Document Protection or Document Security   enabled,

must have ‘A4’ (210 x 297mm) sized pages,

must be in first-page-first order, and

must have ALL FONTS embedded and subset.

File size

 4 MB (mega bytes)


Step 2. Submit the paper through EDAS

Once you have prepared your paper in PDF format according the IEEE template, you can proceed to submit it through the EDAS conference management system using the following link In case you already have an EDAS account, then use it to login into the system. Otherwise, create a new user on the system.

After logging in to the system, you can select the track in which you want to submit your paper to. Afterwards, enter the paper title, keywords, abstract text, subject category, and authors’ contact information. You will also be asked to upload the file containing your paper.

If all necessary information has been entered, the system will display a short message giving you the ID number of your paper. You will also receive an e-mail notification with the details of your submission. If you do not see the confirmation page after uploading your file, you may not have successfully completed your file upload. If you encounter trouble, please contact the conference contact person at

Step 3. Track submitted paper

If submission was successful, the system will assign the “Active with Manuscript” status to your paper. The status will be changed automatically to “Under Review” as soon as the paper is assigned to reviewers. Once the review process is complete, the status will be changed to “Accepted” or “Rejected” based on the reviewers’ feedback on the Acceptance Notification date. Authors of accepted papers are requested to check the Submit Accepted Paper page for further steps.