المتحدثون الرئيسيون

Peter Gabrijelčič
الجهة : University of Ljubljana
المسمى : Prof. Mag.

Peter Gabrijelcic, M.Sc., architect

-        Born in 1947 in Maribor, Slovenia

-        Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in 1973

-      - Masters Degree titled »Management and protection of Cultural Landscapes«. On that basis, he involved into the preparation and conduction of the Republican legislation of regulation of cultural landscapes and settlements.

-        Professor of Urbanism and Architecture

-        Dean ofthe Faculty ofArchiterture at the University of Ljubljana from 1987 till to now.

-        Visiting professor in Belgrade (1990), Graz (1990), Milan (1993 and 1994), Birmingham (1994), New York 6995), Venice 1995), Trento 1995), Oxford (1995). Philadelphia (1997), Skopje (1998), Oslo (1998), Pescara (2002), Grenoble (1998, 2004), Barcelona (2001, 2002), Ankara (2002,2007).Milan( 2009), Spital (2010), Hamburg (2011), Trieste (2013).  Speakerat numerous international and national congresses.


-        Held individual ezhibitions in galleries in New York

(1994), Milan (1994), Portoroz 1998), Ljubljana (1993,

1995, 2003,2005, 2006, 2007, 2009), Venice (1995, 2012), Maribor (2013), Milan Trienale,( 2012), Prague (2012)

(1998), Brussels 6995), Udine (1994), Trento (1998),

Zagreb (1996), Vienna 1996), Brno (1997), Prague (1997),

Sarajevo 1998), Budapest (1998) and on several group




-new bridge Maister's double bridge over motorway, (750 m)

(with Vuksin Acanski, eng.), 20o3, first prize,

national competition;

-        bridge in Belgrade, by Breska,

 (with Vukšin Ačanski, eng.), equal first prize,    international competition;

- the Mura river bridge (with Vuksin Acanski, eng.\ 1998, first prize, national competition;

-        pending bridge Verige in Boka Kotorska

(with Vuksin Acanski, eng.), 2000, first prize, international competition;

-        town bridge across the Tevere river, Rome - a house-bridge (with Giangiacomo DArdio, arch. and Carmen Andriani, arch.), 2002, eaqual firstprize, international competition;

-        new bridge in Kostanjevica

(with Vuksin Acanski, eng.), 2002, built, first prize, national competition;

-        footbridge in Brdo residential auarter,

(with Viktor Markelj, eng.), 2004, first prize;

-        Puh's bridge in Ptuj, (800 m),

(with Viktor Markelj, eng.), 2004, built, first prize, national competition;

-new bridge o across the Sava river,

by Ada Ciganlija, Belgrade (1000 m, New town icon,(with Viktor Markelj, eng.), 2005, constructed, first prize, international competition;

-        the Butchers bridge, Ljubljana

(with Viktor Markelj, eng.), 2008, second prize, national competition-;

-Franz Joseph's bridge over the Danube, Novi Sad,

(with Viktor Markelj, eng. and Dušan Rožič, eng),

2009, first prize, international competition;

-new footbridge over the Drava river, Maribor,

(with Viktor Markelj, eng. and Dušan Rožič, eng.),

2010, secondprize, international competition, 470 competitors.

-new bridge in Gdansk, Poland, with eng.Viktor Markelj, 2012, first prize, international competition,

-new bridge in Hamburg (1200 m), with eng.Viktor Markelj, 2013, third prize, international competition,across



-        Jugoslav  Prize Borba for the best architectural realisation in the Socialist Republic of Slovenia for the project of a singlepersons' home for GP Bežigrad in Ljubljana, 7985.

-        Prize of the Prešeren Fund for Town Planning and Architectural Design for the Litijsko Poljanska boluvear in Ljubljana, 1988, the most important national prize,

-        Prize at the Architecture Show in Belgrade for bridge architecture, 1988

-        CECM prix europeen de la construction metalliaue, London, 1999 for the footbridge in Ptuj (project conducted with Marjan Pipenbaher, eng.)

- acknowledgment of European Planners for an architectural project in Sentanel, 2000

- acknoviledgment of the Urban Planners Exhibition in Niš for the project of regulatingriver banks and bridges on the Ljubljanica river, 2005

- the "Golden pencil" Prize of the Slovenian Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning for interior design, 2oo8

- the "Platina pencil" Prize of the  Slovenian Chamber ofArchitecture and Spatial Planning, 2,008

- TREND Prize for visual creativitr, 2008

- acknoviledgment of DRC enterprise, 2009.

- the "Golden pencil" Prize of the Slovenian Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning for white house in landscape, 2o12

-        European prize for bridge in Beograd, 2013